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  • McCormick Place event photo
  • McCormick Place event photo

Can’t Get Enough of Your Love

Speaking as a member of the editorial team who puts together the content of Kitchenware News & Housewares Review Show Daily into the form in which it’s handed out at the show, I can tell you that, after all the work our entire team puts into trying to make it perfect, usually under very tight press deadlines, it’s never anything less than a thrill to see it finally being handed out to the show’s attendees. We particularly love seeing how eagerly many people reach out for it when they pass our distribution team, and we definitely get a charge out of seeing someone reading it as they ride to the show on the shuttle bus or while they’re gathering in the lobby or lounging at Starbucks while they wait for the exhibit hall doors to open. And so you can share that with us, here are a few more of our snapshots of the distribution happening at McCormick Place.

  • IH+HS Event Photo
  • IH+HS Event Photo
  • IH+HS Event Photo
  • IH+HS Event Photo

Handing Out Show Dailies at IH+HS

The Kitchenware News & Housewares Review circulation staff and Oser Communications Group show logistics team are in Chicago this weekend for the International Home + Housewares Show. Distribution at each show is different, depending on show rules, local ordinances, and agreements with show management, but here at IH+HS, Kitchenware News & Housewares Review Show Daily is being handed out in the concourses at McCormick Place as well as in the show’s official hotels as well as in the show’s publication bins throughout the convention center. All told, thousands and thousands of copies of Kitchenware News & Housewares Review are handed out each day by our show logistics team, reinforced by a squad of Chicagoans glad of the extra work and by dozens of hotel bellmen around the city. 

Writing Effective Trade Show Marketing Copy

By Lorrie Baumann, Editorial Director, Oser Communications Group

Here are some quick tips for writing marketing copy that will start your sales conversation with prospective buyers even before they reach your trade show booth.

  1. Remember whom you’re writing for! When you’re writing marketing copy to place in a trade show daily or a flyer to hand out at your booth, you’re writing for your customers, not for the general public. That means that you can use jargon or terms of art that you wouldn’t expect members of the general public to understand. However, you should also keep in mind that even your customers might not be familiar with abbreviations and acronyms that are specific to your company. Don’t assume that everyone knows what you mean when you shorten or abbreviate your company name, for instance.
  2. But also remember that the ubiquity of the Internet means that anything you write might ultimately be seen by anyone. That means that you shouldn’t put anything in your marketing copy that could embarrass you or your company if it’s seen online.
  3. Keep in mind that your marketing copy for your trade show exhibit should reflect your goals for the show. There are many ways to focus your article, but you should start by picking one point to focus on and sticking with that throughout your entire article.
    • If you’re there to sell a specific product or to introduce a new product or product line, keep your focus on that.
    • If you’re there to introduce your company to prospective customers who may not know anything about you, consider making your article a profile of one of your company leaders, either your CEO or someone who will be physically present in your booth during the trade show.
    • If you’re there to remind your customers that you value your relationship with them, consider making your article a case study about how you solved a problem for one of your customers. That’ll remind your other customers that you’ve been there for them too.
  4. Don’t forget to include a call for action. If you’re writing in connection with a trade show, that means making sure that your article includes an invitation to stop by your booth during the show as well as contact information for how you can be reached after the show.

Finally, if you’re writing an article for insertion into an Oser Communications Group trade show publication, remember that Oser Communications Group has an experienced editorial staff ready to help you out. Whether you get stuck and need a friendly suggestion about how to get started or you’d like to have someone glance over your draft and give you suggestions about how to smooth out your article’s flow, a five-minute phone call to our editorial staff might save you hours of stress. Don’t hesitate to give us a call at 520.721.1300 and ask for the editorial department.

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