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Tag: engagement marketing

How to Incorporate Experiential Marketing at Your Trade Show

Trade shows are the perfect opportunity to use new marketing techniques to attract your prospective client base. Experiential marketing is the newest trend and emphasizes the holistic experience customers have with brands, not just moment-to-moment instances. This article will cover some tips for integrating experiential marketing at your trade shows to get the best return on your efforts.

Contact us today to discuss our trade show marketing by Oser Communications Group.

Experiential Marketing: The Basics

Experiential marketing, or ‘participation marketing,’ is a marketing approach that focuses on creating a unique experience with your brand. Engagement marketing is especially potent for trade shows because your booth provides opportunities for event-based marketing and interaction with prospects one-on-one, providing hands-on brand experiences of your products and services. Successful organizations understand how to best leverage their assets to create memorable experiences for their prospects.

Integrating Experiential Marketing Into Your Trade Shows

Below are some expert tips on how to integrate experiential marketing into your trade shows.

Identify Audience

The first step with any marketing effort is identifying your target audience. Casting your net too wide wastes marketing resources when a more focused approach has better returns. You need to thoroughly segment your prospective clients so you understand their unique desires and needs. That way, you can tailor your experience specifically for them.

Focus on Brand Story

Experiential marketing is so useful because it can translate a brand’s identity through storytelling. Storytelling is powerful as it gives your brand a sense of place and identity, differentiating it from others. Connecting with customers through storytelling is how you build a personal and emotional connection with prospects. Your company’s story is a constitutive element of its identity, and you should lean into that element with your marketing materials.

Messaging Consistency

Brands operate marketing through multiple mediums, so it is important that the different channels complement one another and express consistent messaging across marketing formats. One way to think about it is that your various marketing mediums should feed and flow into one another. This can be achieved through simple concrete design elements, such as texts, fonts, and colors, or through more abstract elements like themes and visual imagery.

Don’t Forget Social Media

Social media is one of the greatest tools for immersive marketing experiences, as it allows for a level of personalized engagement that other marketing mediums lack. Social media not only allows you to connect with your customers but allows customers to connect with one another, sharing their experiences with your brand and their stories. This allows the formation of a vibrant and engaged community under your brand, creating more interactive brand activations.

Trade Show Marketing

Getting the right prospective clients is all about crafting the right kind of trade show invitation. If you would like to discuss your experiential marketing efforts for trade shows or want to discuss marketing strategy, contact Oser Communications Group online or call today at (520) 721-1300 to schedule a consultation session!