Author: Oser Communications Group

post trade show survey

Three Crucial Post-Trade Show Survey Questions to Ask Your Attendees

Understanding your audience is crucial for any successful business. Conducting a post-trade show survey is a fantastic way to receive feedback from event attendees and improve your company for future events. However, many business owners don’t know what questions to include in their survey that will help their business thrive. That’s why Oser Communications Group put together some efficient post-trade show survey questions to help you create the perfect questionnaire.

Oser Communications Group is one of the nation’s most trusted trade show advertising companies. We’ve been helping companies improve their trade show marketing strategies for over 60 years, giving us the experience to handle all your advertising needs. If you want to improve your trade show surveys while taking your company’s advertising to the next level, contact Oser Communications Group.

Three Questions for Your Next Post-Trade Show Survey

Developing high-quality open-ended questions for your trade show survey is more important than you might realize. It helps companies improve their marketing tactics, products, and more while learning about their target audience. Below are some essential questions to incorporate in your post-trade show survey.

1. On a Scale of One to Ten, How Much Did You Enjoy the Trade Show?

Understanding the attendees’ satisfaction with the trade show will help you decide if it was worth participating in. It can also help you improve your show if you hosted the event. Although the question might sound simple and straightforward, it is one of the most important questions to include in the survey and will help you understand your company’s audience.

2. Why Did You Attend the Trade Show?

People attend trade shows for various reasons. However, sometimes trade shows cater to specific audiences. Most attendees frequent trade shows for one of the following reasons:

  • Attend seminars
  • Attend conferences
  • See new innovations and products
  • Keep up with the latest marketing trends
  • Create new networking opportunities

Once you understand your audience’s trade show goals, you can adjust your marketing strategies to cater to their wants and needs.

3. On a Scale of One to Ten, How Well Did Our Booth Meet Your Expectations?

Every business owner wants their trade show booth to appeal to their audience and capture new customers. Asking attendees to rate your booth is a terrific way to improve it for upcoming events and see what entices your audience.

Contact Oser Communications Group for First-Class Trade Show Advertising and Associated Services

If you want to improve your post-trade show survey and your overall business, contact Oser Communications Group. We make measuring trade show effectiveness easier than ever with first-class survey tools that help your company grow and thrive in today’s competitive marketplace. Whether you want to enhance your trade show marketing or want to learn more about post-trade show surveys, Oser Communications Group is here for you.

Give Oser Communications Group a call at (520) 721-1300 or fill out our online form and allow us to make your next trade show a success today!

how to write a unique selling proposition

How to Write a Unique Selling Proposition for Your Next Trade Show

Having a first-rate selling proposition is vital to anyone selling goods at trade shows. However, creating one is often easier said than done. Fortunately, Oser Communications Group is here to teach you how to write a unique selling proposition so you can make your next trade show a success.

Oser Communications Group is one of the nation’s leading trade show advertising services. We specialize in helping companies spanning all industries improve their trade show performance with efficient selling methods that elevate sales and ROI. If you want your company to be the highlight of the upcoming trade show, contact Oser Communications Group.

What Are Unique Selling Propositions?

Unique selling propositions, also called USPs, are distinctive attributes, features, or advantages a company has that help them stand out from their competition. They are specific marketing messages that entice customers to purchase your product and make your goods special. For example, if you create a new item that’s the first of its kind, you can create a unique selling proposition around its innovative features.

Having a first-rate unique selling proposition can drive more potential customers to your trade show booth, helping your business thrive in the competitive marketplace. They work well in marketing campaigns and give you a competitive advantage that can make all the difference on the trade show floor.

How to Write a Unique Selling Proposition

Now that you understand what USPs are, you can learn how to write a unique selling proposition. Below are some helpful tips on writing USPs.

Understand Your Target Audience

Understanding your target audience is vital in creating a successful USP. Every company has a unique audience that has specific wants and needs. Before you create a USP, you should think about the following:

  • Your audience’s needs
  • What drives them to your products
  • Their expected turnarounds
  • Their reliability standards

Learn What Makes Your Business Stand Out

Next, find something that makes your business unique. It could be your items’ superior quality, low prices, or your company’s fast turnaround times.

If you need inspiration, visit other trade show booths to see what helps them stand apart. Many will highlight their strengths to paint their goods in a positive light and give customers peace of mind.

Improve Weaker Aspects of Your Business

After assessing the competition, you can pinpoint areas of your business that need improvement. However, only focus on specific areas instead of improving your company as a whole. This makes it easier to improve and won’t cause unnecessary stress.

Once you improve the weaker areas, you can put the unique selling proposition into action through your marketing efforts.

Contact Oser Communications Group for Exceptional Trade Show Advertising Services

If you want to learn how to write a unique selling proposition, contact Oser Communication Group. We will teach you everything you need to know about USPs while improving your trade show ROI.

Call (520) 721-1300 and see what Oser Communications Group can do for you today!

trade show attendees

Should You Serve Food to Your Trade Show Attendees?

While food is a great way to enhance the trade show experience for your potential clients, it also comes with its share of challenges. Before planning your next event, learn the best practices for serving food to trade show attendees and whether or not you should commit to the investment. 

For more information about effective trade show advertising with Oser Communications Group, speak with one of our qualified event marketers by calling 520-721-1300.

#1: Consult with Trade Show Organizers

Before deciding to incorporate food into your trade show repertoire, speak with an event organizer about the venue’s specific food policies. Larger venues like city convention centers may have pre-existing contracts with local catering companies and will expect you to follow specific guidelines regarding food service. Ask if any fees exist and what kind of food they will allow into the building.

Depending on their guidelines, you might find food service more trouble than it’s worth. On the other hand, catering managers often make planning convenient for you by providing high-quality food services at a discounted rate. 

#2: Brand Your Food Items

Offering food at trade shows creates an inviting environment that will likely increase foot traffic to your exhibit. This allows countless opportunities to promote your business and increase your brand awareness among prospective clients. Take advantage by branding your food items with company logos, stickers, QR codes–anything to make your packaging as attractive as possible. 

Memorable branding helps you stand out from the crowd and form lasting impressions with your trade show attendees long after the event has finished.  

#3: Serve Tasty Food

Food quality represents your company. Only serve food you have sampled previously, and always consider the presentation of your offerings. Avoid messy food items, such as ice cream, that can easily melt or require additional accommodations to store properly.

To avoid potential health liabilities, some venues may have restrictions on the food you bring in. Prepare food fresh, with a list of ingredients handy to account for possible food allergies. Coordinate with event organizers and catering managers to ensure you have everything to keep your food fresh and safe to serve to guests. 

#4: Plan to Bring Litter Receptacles

How well you maintain your event space reflects on your company. This makes cleaning up after your guests especially important, as trade show floors can quickly accumulate discarded plates, cups, and leftover trash. Plan to incorporate additional booth staff while attending your event so you can delegate tasks among your associates and focus on marketing your company and engaging with trade show attendees.

Want to Boost Your Trade Show Experience?

Depending on if the trade show space allows food and if you can come up with a fresh, mess-free menu, food can be a great option to stand out at your next event. 

Build more leads and attract more trade show attendees with the right knowledge and applicable tools. With over 60 years of industry experience, Oser Communications Group can provide you with the expertise you need for success. For the best trade show advertising and advice, contact our team by visiting our website or calling 520-721-1300.

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