how to network at a trade show

How To Network at a Trade Show Successfully

Trade shows provide an excellent opportunity for business owners to meet others in the industry and build professional connections. If this is your first time, you might wonder how to network at a trade show. 

With that in mind, the team at Oser Communications Groups has compiled these tips on networking at trade shows and building professional relationships. 

Do you need trade show advertising? If so, contact us today!

Why Networking at Trade Shows Matters

In a sense, all business stems from networking. Networking events allow you to grow your contacts list, share knowledge, build your own brand image, and analyze your competition and market. As such, the primary goal of a trade show isn’t just marketing your products or services but also marketing your business to other businesses. 

Strategies for Networking

Networking can seem intimidating, especially if you attend a trade show for the first time. The good thing is that successful networking is a skill, and, like any skill, you can practice to get better. Let’s review some of our tips on how to network at a trade show. 

Practice Your Business Pitch 

Practice makes perfect, and that includes your business pitch. Many people will likely ask about your business, so make sure you have a pitch prepared and ready to go. You’ll need multiple versions of sales pitches that should include your business message and what makes you unique. Practice your speech beforehand with your team members so you all have a coherent and unified message and prepare some business cards to distribute. 

Think About Who To Speak To

Don’t just show up at a trade show and see where the day takes you. You should have an idea of attendees you want to meet and start a conversation with. You likely won’t be able to meet with all the show attendees, so make a priority list of who you want to speak to the most and focus on them. If you have met previously, you can contact them beforehand and ask to meet up at the show. 

Be Early

“Don’t be late” is obvious advice, but you should be better than “not late”—you should be early. Getting to the show early not only helps you set up your booth smoothly, but you can also start meeting with other attendants before the show kicks off and gets extremely busy. Moreover, arriving early signals to others that you are a professional to take seriously. 

Create a Schedule

You don’t have to have everything mapped out to the minute, but you should have a general schedule for the day. Make sure you mark out time to staff the booth and give all team members time to connect and network.

Your Source for Trade Show Advertising

Oser Communications Group is your go-to solution for pre-trade show marketing tips and advertisement materials. If you need more info on how to network at a trade show, contact us online or call today at (520) 721-1300!

trade show etiquette

5 Rules of Trade Show Etiquette to Keep in Mind

Are you preparing for your first trade show? If so, you are likely familiar with trade show etiquette. While most etiquette rules apply for all types of shows, some vary depending on your company’s industry. Oser Communications Group, a trade show advertising provider, offers five helpful pointers below. 

#1. First Impressions Matter

Most professionals know that their first impression can make or break any interaction. When attending a trade show, remember to do the following:

  • Present a welcoming persona: Greet your visitors warmly! Craft an inviting atmosphere with a genuine greeting.
  • Maintain a professional image: Different industries have varying dress codes. Dress according to your industry’s expectations. 
  • Use gestures and body language carefully: Body language and gestures can be powerful communicators when used appropriately. 
  • Keep the booth organized: Declutter your booth space to limit distractions. 

#2. Remove All Distractions

You should create a few rules for your staff to follow before setting up your booth:

  • No food or drink in the booth: When booth staff eat and drink in open view, they detract from your professional, unified image. Find a designated area out of the visitors’ view for your staff members to enjoy refreshments. 
  • No chairs or excess tables: When representatives sit down, they appear disengaged. Plus, too many tables and chairs can create tripping hazards. 
  • No unnecessary devices: A final golden rule of trade show etiquette is to store all personal devices elsewhere. No staff members should get distracted by checking their phones or laptops for social media updates. 

#3. Stick to a Predetermined Schedule

Adhering to the schedule ensures your team stays on the same page throughout the event. Stagger breaks and shift changes to facilitate seamless transitions. Each staff member should arrive 15 minutes before their shift begins to prevent a hurried atmosphere. At least one person should man the table when another takes a break. 

#4. Use Empathy to Communicate

Catering to the trade show’s audience means demonstrating understanding to your target customer base. When you choose a trade show, you should learn as much about the visitors as possible. Use empathy to develop your scripts, begin each interaction, and ultimately collect contact information. 

Remember: the customer comes first throughout each step. Make them feel as though they have the option to leave if they don’t show or lose interest in your booth.

#5. Demonstrate Excellent Manners

Finally, handle both positive and negative interactions with grace. You may already handle all interactions in a polite and professional manner, but train your staff to go above and beyond your typical standards for trade shows. 

When you handle positive and negative interactions well, you’ll present a self-controlled, admirable image to other presenters and visitors. You might attract more visitors and potential network connections as a result. 

Choose Oser Communications Group for More Resources on Trade Show Etiquette

Proper trade show etiquette typically means improving and polishing your current industry standards for customer interactions. Our team at Oser Communications Group can help you prepare for a trade show with advertising services and other helpful resources. Contact us to craft a productive experience at your next trade show.

trade show booth staff

How the Right Trade Show Booth Staff Can Ensure the Success of Your Event

Have you determined who will do what at your next trade show event? A talented and diverse trade show booth staff can secure a positive first impression for your brand. 

As a provider of trade show advertising services and resources, Oser Communications Group can guide you through the process. Read on for tips for your next trade show booth team, or contact us to discover other services.

Delegate Roles Based on Talent

Define and communicate each person’s roles and responsibilities well before you arrive at the trade show. Each person chosen for a specific role should feel comfortable performing it. 

For example, extroverts can initially greet and guide visitors to the booth before handing them off. Your introverted team members won’t make good crowd gatherers, but they may perform well at demonstrating product knowledge to individuals or small groups. 

Train Each Staff Member for Their Role

Although your chosen staff may possess natural talents in their roles, you should still provide extra training and practice to build your team’s confidence and brand knowledge. 

Each member should perform their assigned interaction seamlessly, so examine the following elements in depth during your trade show training sessions:

  • Details regarding the presented products or services
  • Sales scripts and other supporting conversational materials
  • How company or employee certifications ensure the best outcome
  • Supporting benefits like written estimates or a warranty policy

Examine Proper Trade Show Etiquette

Has each of your team members understood and internalized trade show etiquette? This etiquette demonstrates that your brand possesses the following characteristics:

  • Respect for the trade show space, attendees, and other presenters
  • Attention to detail 
  • Professionalism in all environments
  • Care for the safety and focus of others

If your trade show booth staff doesn’t adhere to basic etiquette, they reflect badly on your brand to potential customers and professional connections alike. 

Craft a Unified, Professional Image

One of the most helpful trade show tips involves polishing your staff’s image. While this effort includes physical appearance, it also includes elements such as:

  • Keeping your booth free of clutter and distractions
  • Ensuring a staff member stays at the booth at all times

Etiquette and predefined roles provide a great start. However, a unified, professional image sustains a productive experience.

Why Investing in Trade Show Booth Staff Ensures Success

A well-rounded staff invested in the event’s success will help your brand network effectively and increase profits. They offer an opportunity to do the following:

  • Identify other authorities within your industries
  • Demonstrate your brand’s extensive knowledge 
  • Learn more about your target audience and what they need
  • Create a positive, memorable impression on anyone who interacts with your company

Spare no expense on adequately preparing and training your chosen staff. You’ll reap the benefits in numerous business areas. 

Contact Oser Communications Group for Trade Show Resources

A talented trade show booth staff is just one of the many resources needed for a successful experience. Oser Communications Group can also offer exceptional advertising services and additional guidance like common trade show mistakes you should avoid. Contact us to learn more about our resources.

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